I Want A Bigger Ukulele For Christmas
I want a bigger ukulele for Christmas
Cos my baby says that mine's too small
She's not impressed with the one I've got
It's just better than nothing at all
She says that size really matters
If you want to stand out in the band
I want a bigger ukulele for Christmas
And better technique with my hands
So Santa please, I'm on my knees
I've been really good this year
I worked real hard, I did nothing bizarre
I nearly stayed off the beer
So when I come down on Christmas morning
And take a look under the tree
I want to see the biggest badass ukulele
That anyone has ever seen
I don't care if it's yellow
I don't care if it's blue
I don't care if it's polka dots
I don't care if it's old or new
Just as long as it's big, really big
Bigger than all my friends'
Then I'll-be-happy-as-a-pig in you-know-what
And I'll never trouble Santa again